605 East 7th Ave location.

Welcome to our Drop - in Childcare Services!

Drop-in Childcare (flex scheduling) provides flexible childcare scheduling for parents/guardian. Enrollment must take place prior to being given access to the drop in system. Payment is required when booking the scheduled day, and if you need care within 24 hours of schedule you must call to be manually added 1(406)932-6461. Our hours of operations which is 7:45 am to 5:30 pm.


Infant (0-2)

Full day Drop-in

Toddler/Preschool/Pre K

Full day Availability

School Age Students

3:00pm to 5:30pm

Afterschool Program

3:00pm to 5:30pm

Summer Camp Program

Full day Availability


Sick Policy

If your child(ren), or members of your family that are currently living with you are sick with a Fever of more than 100.1, respiratory symptoms that are significant, trouble breathing or shortness of breath, Diarrhea, vomiting, or other communicable diseases we are requiring that you and your children stay home for 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. If a COVID Positive case has been found within our daycare kids, staff, or families and they have had immediate contact in our facility within 72 hours we will CLOSE for 72 hours to deep clean the facility and reopen as soon as is safe. We require temperature checks and health checks upon arrival and immediate pick up if a child becomes ill while in our care.

Sick Policy

If your child(ren), or members of your family that are currently living with you are sick with a Fever of more than 100.1, respiratory symptoms that are significant, trouble breathing or shortness of breath, Diarrhea, vomiting, or other communicable diseases we are requiring that you and your children stay home for 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. If a COVID Positive case has been found within our daycare kids, staff, or families and they have had immediate contact in our facility within 72 hours we will CLOSE for 72 hours to deep clean the facility and reopen as soon as is safe. We require temperature checks and health checks upon arrival and immediate pick up if a child becomes ill while in our care.

Safe Sleep

Safe sleeping practices and prevention strategies for sudden infant death syndrome: 

  • Each infant will be provided with an individual crib. 
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) safety-approved cribs will only be used for  infants. 
  • Infants will be placed flat on their backs to sleep unless otherwise ordered by a  written statement signed by the child’s physician. 
  • A firm surface, such as a mattress will be used for infant sleeping. The mattress will fit snugly  to the crib and will be covered with a fitted sheet.