For Parent's

We give a two-week notification of any scheduled closed days, with the exception of emergencies, staff illness, extreme weather, or an unforeseen event. *Please have a backup child care provider for any given time in case of these occasions. Big Timber Daycare is not responsible for finding alternate care for your child on these occasions and you will be responsible for payment to that alternate provider. We will refund your payments for last-minute, unplanned closures only, by providing a discount for that day/hours on your next bill.

Full Day

$33 per day
(more than 4 hours)
Regardless of age

Newborn to 12 years old

Half Day Rate

$21 per day
(more than 4 hours)
Regardless of age

Newborn to 12 years old


$36 per Full Day
$21 per Half Day

Regardless of age
Newborn to 12 years old

Payment Procedures & Fees

Best Beginnings Child Care Scholarships

You may qualify for a Child Care Scholarship through Best Beginnings for your child(ren) based on your income or if you are part of the foster system. If you are interested in applying or checking your eligibility, please contact us and we can help you with the application process. If you choose to have your child start care with us before you are approved, you must cover all costs. If for any reason after you’ve been approved, the program pays for the previous days you attended, we will reimburse you
for those days. This is not guaranteed.

Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

Any staff member working in a child care facility is required by law to personally report any suspected child abuse or neglect promptly. Any suspicion including, but not limited to, injuries to the child that are not explained or may appear like a faked story, any uncomfortable amount anger from parent/adult towards child, any witnessed verbal abuse towards child, any witnessed physical abuse, any statement from a child that sounds suspicious, or if the child is constantly dirty, unusually hungry, only wears shoes or clothes that are torn and dirty, etc. These reports will be handled by appropriate authorities until deemed either inaccurate or accurate, in which further steps will then be taken by authorities in the latter instance. Staff at Big Timber Daycare is required to report any suspicions within 24 hours of receiving information or
witnessing suspected child abuse or neglect.
Abuse Hotline 1-866-820-5437

Parent's Software

Parent's Responsibilities

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, beliefs, gender, age, or disability. All children are welcome in our facility.

Parents are encouraged to have open communication with caregivers. Explain clearly and carefully your wishes and expectations about how your child will be cared for. We
will on a daily basis discuss your child’s activity so that we are able to work together on any problems that arise. We will, at times, be straight forward and honest about the
child’s behavior and progress and expect the same from you as their parent.To aid in proper care, parents must inform us about changes in the child’s life (i.e. new siblings, separation, moving, a parent going out of town for a while, death of a
family member or close friend, death of a pet, etc). This is important because changes like these usually reflect a temporary change of behaviors in the child, and if we are
informed of these happenings, we can better help your child through it.

You are invited and welcome to visit anytime that your child is in our care. We ask that you try to avoid visiting during naptime hours as to not wake the other children, if possible. Parent’s are also free to call anytime, if we do not answer the phone, please leave a message and we will call you back. Caregivers will also text or message you during the day with a photo of your child or a story, we love to share the things that happen during the day with you!

We welcome anyone that would like to come in as a volunteer for an activity during the day. Such as story time, a craft, holiday events, field trips or just to play with the kids. You MUST pass a background check and sign paperwork with State Licensing as a Volunteer prior to volunteering. Volunteers will never be alone with children as they are not trained and they are not responsible for disciplining the kids, diapering, toileting, or running the daily routines. Volunteers are here for fun!

If it is necessary to terminate your care, please give 2 weeks written notice and payment will be required for the 2 weeks before you leave, whether the child is still in care or
whether other arrangements have been made. If you terminate care without giving proper notice, you will be responsible for payment of the final 2 weeks of care whether
or not your child attends. We reserve the right to immediately end care for non-payment (see Non-Payment under Payment Procedures and Fees above), failure to respect the owner or caregivers or our facility, failure to work towards correcting a behavior of your child that is harmful to the physical or emotional well being of the other children, failure to abide by our policies, or
any other reason we deem important.

For minor injuries, we will address the injury, clean and bandage or ice when necessary. We will then send a letter or text message, which we call a “boo-boo report” home
informing you of the injury and how it occured. In case of a minor allergic reaction or major injury, we will assess the situation and contact you immediately. If you are not
available, we will contact the emergency contact listed on your information sheet. If the allergy or injury is severe, and after assessing the situation, decide emergency services
are needed, we will contact 911 and then contact you as soon as possible. We will take the necessary steps for proper treatment and care for your child as each situation will
allow. All incidents will be documented. If we suspect a child has ingested any poisonous or toxic substance, we will immediately call the Emergency Poison Control
Center at 1-800-222-1222

Arriving/Leaving: We assume responsibility for your child only while he/she is in our care. Once you have arrived to pick up your child, you assume responsibility. This can
often be a time of testing from young children when two authority figures (caregiver and parent) are present at the same time. Children tend to test adults at one point or another on whether the rules still apply. Please know you are not alone in these situations, almost all parents have this challenge on occasion. When dropping off your child, the child may cling to the parent or act out to not come to

Sign in/Sign out: You will need to sign your child in and out at drop off and pick up daily. This is important that you, or anyone picking up or dropping your child off, get into
the habit of remembering this step, it is vital for us for State inspections, State paperwork, our Food Program, and billing. If your child leaves for a short time and returns the same day, you will have to sign them in and out each time. We use a program where you are able to sign in using a tablet that will be next to the entry. While you child is removing their shoes/coat, you will use a pin number to check your child in.
If for some reason our internet or system is not working, we will have a paper for you to sign until the problem is resolved.

Health Checks: We are required to do daily health checks on your child as they enter the facility. We are also required to ask the parent how any new injuries occurred, small
or large, this is recorded on our daily health sheets. This includes recording the child’s physical and mental health when they arrive, as well as update any symptoms that
appear throughout the day. Examples of physical health include bruises, scrapes, wounds, runny nose, cough, headache, fever, etc. Examples of mental health include
unusual or uncontrolled emotions, unusual behaviors, unusual screaming or anger, etc.

Authorized Pickup Person(s): We will only allow your child to leave the facility with you, someone on your authorized pickup list, or someone you informed us of, in person,
in writing, or from a phone call from your phone number. We will ID new people that we don’t yet recognize. The pickup person must also know your pin number in order to sign
your child out, please make sure they have been informed of this.

Alcohol: If upon arrival to pick up your child, any staff member smells alcohol or suspects the person is impaired in any way, we will take actions to protect your child and not let them go with this person, whether it is you or another authorized adult. It is our responsibility of the child’s safety to not allow them to be removed from our care and
enter a vehicle where the driver is intoxicated.

Travel: You MUST arrange pickup/dropoff travel for your child, whether it’s yourself or another trusted adult. We cannot leave other children at the daycare in order to take
your child to school/preschool or elsewhere.


Scheduling Procedures​

At our child care center, we provide the convenience of monthly contracted care. This allows you to secure a spot for your child in our center, tailored to the specific days of the week you require child care. We offer 5 days, 3 days, and 2 days a week contracted care.

Big Timber Daycare offers drop in care for a full day. In order to enroll in drop in scheduling you must enroll with us and gain access to our scheduling app to be ready for your drop in days.

1/4 the rate of your contracted care. If a child leaves our care for an extended period of time (more than 2 wks) there is no guarantee that the spot will be available at a later date, therefore we have created a holding fee policy. This may include summer break, living with another parent for part of the year, etc. In order to guarantee your child’s spot when they return, you have the option to pay a holding fee for the entire dates your child will be absent.

Big Timber Daycare currently has our aftershool program on hold while we work through a new location move. Please reach out to us to be placed on our waitlist.